Hymns for Lent | God Gave His Only Begotten Son | 사순절 피아노찬송가 | 하나님은 외아들을 | かみは ひとりごを

Описание к видео Hymns for Lent | God Gave His Only Begotten Son | 사순절 피아노찬송가 | 하나님은 외아들을 | かみは ひとりごを

One Hymn A Day for Lent

+하나님은 외아들을+
+かみは ひとりごを+
+God Gave His Only Begotten Son+

Words by 三谷種吉(T. Mitani) & Music by unknown

1. 하나님은 외아들을 주시는 데까지
세상 사람 사랑하니 참 사랑이로다
하나님은 사랑이라 죄악에 빠졌던
우리까지 사랑하니 참사랑 아닌가

2. 하나님을 배반하고 멀리 떠난 우리
원수같이 대적하나 사랑하여 주네
하나님은 사랑이라 죄악에 빠졌던
우리까지 사랑하니 참사랑 아닌가

3. 세상 죄를 사하시려 우리 죽을 대신
성자 예수 십자가에 고난받으셨네
하나님은 사랑이라 죄악에 빠졌던
우리까지 사랑하니 참사랑 아닌가

4. 이 사랑에 감사하여 곧 주께 나오라
곤한 영혼 주께 맡겨 구원을 얻으라
하나님은 사랑이라 죄악에 빠졌던
우리까지 사랑하니 참사랑 아닌가


1. 神は一人子を 賜(たま)うほどに
世人(よびと)を愛し給う 神は愛なり

あぁ、神は愛なり 汚れ果てし
我さえ愛し給う 神は愛なり

2. 罪をば犯して 神に背(そむ)き
逆らう我さえ なお愛し給う

3. 罪許されんため 我に代わり
御子(みこ)イェス十字架に 死に給えり


1. God gave His only begotten Son
To meet our dying need;
In love spar'ds not His best lov'd One!
Ah! this is love indeed!
Yes! God is love; and to a race
Still sunk in sin and greed,
He overflows with love and grace!
Is this not love indeed!

2. Though we rebel against our Lord,
And live from His estrang'd,
Make God our foe and flout His word,
His love remains unchang'd.
Yes! God is love; and to a race
Still sunk in sin and greed,
He overflows with love and grace!
Is this not love indeed!

3. To save this earth, our sin atone,
And spare us utter loss,
The Holy Son bore all alone
Our torment on the Cross.
Yes! God is love; and to a race
Still sunk in sin and greed,
He overflows with love and grace!
Is this not love indeed!

4. Be mov'd by this amazing love
And seek your Savior's face!
Commit your soul to God above,
And so be sav'd by grace!
Yes! God is love; and to a race
Still sunk in sin and greed,
He overflows with love and grace!
Is this not love indeed!


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