Eulogy Speech Example

Описание к видео Eulogy Speech Example

Toastmasters World Championship of Public Speaking, 2001 Winner, Darren LaCroix. 2001 was considered by many one of the most competitive years of the speech contest. This is becomes even more interesting when you know his story of how he bombed miserably in a Boston comedy club just nine years prior. He was the least likely to be on stage making people laugh. No one ever told him, “You are funny. You should be a comedian.”
Darren’s World Championship speech is one the funniest, most talked about speeches in the history of the Toastmasters World Championship of Public Speaking Since 1938. This World Championship Speech, "OUCH!" is also one of the most widely studied by speech contestants. Watch for yourself and see!
Got motivation? Out of all his motivational speeches, this one won the World Championship of public speaking.


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