Who is Malkorok? - Wow Lore

Описание к видео Who is Malkorok? - Wow Lore

Malkorok was formerly a member of the blackrock clan and became Garroshs bodyguard and chief adviser.

Malkorok was always quick to jump on anyone who said anything remotely negative about Garrosh and his plans, but was often told to stand down when he confronted other leaders of the horde.

Malkorok was the leader of the Kor'kron and had spies everywhere listening to what people had to say about the horde. One day and orc fruit vendor named Kor'jus talked a little to openly about how he didn't agree with Garrosh's plans on attacking northwatch to get rid of all Alliance from Kalimador. So Malkorok and a group of his men visited him in the night and Gave him a beating to send a message to the rest of the horde about what happens when you bad talk the great leader.

During The hordes assault on Northwatch, Garrosh ussed his dark shamans in battle for the first time. Dark shamans, instead of asking the elements for help, enslave them and force them to do whatever they tell them. Upon hearing about the hordes use of enslaved molten giants in the attack, Baine Confronted garrosh and Malkorok challenged Baine to a duel for questioning Garroshs actions and not showing enough respect. Baine however refused the challenge.

After the horde took northwatch and (-mana bombed-) Theromore, The horde was divided into 2 factions, those who approved of the mana bombing and those who didn't. Those who didn't approve of the mana bombing went to Razor hill to hold a meeting instead of celebrating in Orgrimar like everyone else.

At Razor hill, Vol'jin, leader of the trolls, Baine, leader of the Tauren, Frandis farley, An undead warrior who was sent by Sylvanas to lead the undead troops in Garrosh's attack on Theramore, Kelantir Bloodblade, A blood elf sent to lead the bloodelf troops, and a few others were discussing Garrosh in a rather nagtive light and Malkoroks spies listened in on this conversation

After vol'jin and Baine left the inn they were having their meeting at,

Malkorok went in right after and asked them if what his spies had to say about their meeting was true. Everyone there politly said that no such talks were taking place and that maybe he needed better spies to give more accurate information. Malkorok agreeded and left the inn, and then frag bombed the inn, killing everyone inside.

Later Malkorok is seen with Garrosh and his quest to find the Divine Bell.

After the whole Fiasco with the Divine bell, Malkorok goes to a goblin dig site where they find an intresting artifact.

Later, during the Siege of Orgrimar you fight Malkorok. Garrosh needed to test the power of Y'sharrj and infused Malkorok with its power, making him a lot stronger than he was before. After Nazgrim dies Malkorok comes to meet the rebellion head on in order to stop them from reaching Garrosh and Dies in his attempt.


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