Tuncer Gökalp Elaçmaz - EFT for Modern Hydrodynamics

Описание к видео Tuncer Gökalp Elaçmaz - EFT for Modern Hydrodynamics

Abstract: Hydrodynamics is one of the most fruitful fields of physics as it paved the way of modern physics and chaos theory. Many mathematicians and physicist have contributed by coming up with better mathematical tools. Bizarre movements of liquids has inspired the wave nature of particles meanwhile its turbulent behavior has led to many ideas in chaos theory starting from Lorenz in 1963. It will be shown that the important Hydrodynamics equations such as Bernoulli Equation and Navier-Stokes Equations can be derived from a Effective Field Theory of Hydrodynamics. The principles that are going to be used will be very general for describing any system of interest with appropriate symmetries.


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