LLEGAR, VENIR, VOLVER, IR | under 10min!

Описание к видео LLEGAR, VENIR, VOLVER, IR | under 10min!

In this video I teach you how to use #llegar #volver #venir and #ir in #Spanish, with plenty of examples and context :)

☝️Algunas cosas útiles/some useful things:

👉 To understand more how to use volver + inf (blogpost on volver, seguir and llevar https://vivatutor.uk/blog/3-great-way...

🎥This is an update of this video (   • Llegar venir and volver | How do they...  ) adding ir too :)

✍️More content on https://vivatutor.uk/blog/
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Thanks for watching! ¡Hasta pronto! 🌻💛


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