A Few Uses for VCAs - Eurorack Modular [CV Intensity and Amplitude Modulation]

Описание к видео A Few Uses for VCAs - Eurorack Modular [CV Intensity and Amplitude Modulation]

Quick one-take video shot on my phone. Apologies for disparities and quietness in the audio, shifting autofocus, and incorrect use of some terms. I get a little flustered talking to the camera ^~^

Modules used:

Pittsburgh Modular Waveforms : pulse wave audio source

Studio Electronics SEM Filter : filtering the pulse wave

Intellijel Quadra : filter cutoff, intensity of filter cutoff, and temolo/amplitude modulation.

Doepfer A-135-1 QVCA / VCMIX : channel 1 takes a repeating envelope as its signal input, and a slower envelope as its CV input, controlling the intensity of the rhythmic envelope. Channel 4 serves as a mixer, with audio at its signal input and eventually audio-rate modulation into its CV input.

Doepfer A-111-1 VCO 2 "High End VCO" : provides a pulse wave for amplitude modulation

Make Noise Pressure Points : sending pitch CV to Doepfer VCO, essentially controlling the rate of amplitude modulation/sample rate reduction/bit crush

Synthrotek Dly : for delay :)

Korg SQ-1 is sequencing on top of the modular.

If you've read this far, leave a comment with "pulse rave" in it ;)


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