A.2 Indifference curves | Consumption - Microeconomics

Описание к видео A.2 Indifference curves | Consumption - Microeconomics

Learn more: http://www.policonomics.com/indiffere...

Versión en español:    • A.2 Curvas de indiferencia | Consumo ...  

This video explains how indifference curves work and how to build them. We start analysing indifference curves as a way of representing utility, then we explain what the marginal rate of substitution is and, lastly, what different kinds of indifference curves there are.

Related videos:
-Utility function:    • A.1 Utility function | Consumption - ...  
-Marginal rate of substitution:    • A.3 Marginal rate of substitution | C...  

Related articles:
-Utility function: http://www.policonomics.com/utility/
-Preferences: http://www.policonomics.com/preferences/

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