STUNNING Chiropractic Cracking *ASMR Jaw Bone & Spine Crunch. Painful Release & Giggles 4 Tingles.

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It was 3:33 am last night when I woke up from the kundalini dream scape

Before we get to that please allow me to share some words that will make a proper video description

What we have here in this video... is a straightforward view of what an incomplete and inadequate medical history looks like

Granted... I did ask about exercise induced pain and Olivia may have just forgotten in that moment. But I also didn't get out the TMJ or the abdominal bloating that requires daily OTC medication

So... Olivia is a recreational pole dancer and obviously has no attachments to what other people think about that... A lesson for us all

But she also has a very stiff upper thoracic spine and tight trapezius muscle so there's enough evidence to suggest that her forearm numbness will benefit from the full spine adjustment

The TMJ work was beneficial in this one visit however the length of time of her condition will require more treatment sessions

And the bloated feeling after meals... we'll have to see how that responds to the abdominal massage otherwise we are moving into nutritional territory.

Overall, great ASMR here today, as per design


Today's yoga is brought to you by remembrance, as I try to recall the details of this morning's 3:33am rendezvous with the kundalini goddess

There is no face or figure to recall

That's all gone now

However the feeling is one that I can not forget

It was like being hugged from the inside

My cells were swimming in the essence of satisfaction

No attachment to what was or was not happening

It could come or go as it pleased

And the moment asked me to give you a message, my friends

It said

"Remember to breathe and to know the sensations"


And if you are filled with doubt then please sign up for the infinite live stream seminar of information that is provided by the network of natural intelligence known as the internet

Pull out your ruler and measure the angles in-between stars

Listen to Brian Cox cast his new theories about TIME itself.... even though this very theory has been written about by previous sages and other people who were known to be crazy

Wait wait, just to be clear... I love Brian's work... I am just saying it's nice that physicists are weighing in on the illusion of the continuum of time


You're making it all up

How else could it be so perfect

The universe responding to all your requests and intentions

so faithfully

so mercifully

Even after you've made all your calculations

And subscribed to all the guru's manuscripts

After we've eaten handfuls of perception altering entities

there you are

So remember to know your breath

Bc in it you see your helplessness

if we were left in charge of this life affirming action

we'd be dead

The automation of life is indeed a roller coaster

we know, then we don't, then we know again, then we forget

Find your goddess in the tip frequency of a belly laugh

if you are fortunate enough to know someone who is funny

Find your weakness in the person sitting right in front of you

if you are fortunate enough to admit your weaknesses

Explore the boundaries of your darkness by riding on the edge of a light beam blasting through the expansive realm of your imagination

Say Goodbye

Nothing heals the world more than a broken heart

And when the anxious gasping breaths start to build

When the wave of indecision rises the tide of procrastination

When the cloud of doubt looms ominously holding back tears from your losses

Just say Thank You

Life is obviously not supposed to feel good all the time

But it is a deep blessing from the ineffable

to feel anything at all

be it beyond the perceptual and imaginary consciousness of a human

yet so simply and obviously the very essence of yourself

For which I am utterly grateful for...


THANKS for watching, reading, breathing to the TONE of

Stunning Chiropractic Cracking *ASMR Jaw Bone & Spine Crunch.



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