This Is War - Paul Washer

Описание к видео This Is War - Paul Washer

» Bravehearted Thots are produced by Bravehearted Christian (formerly Ellerslie Mission Society). For more information and to discover other great resources for a Christianity that actually works, please visit:

The kingdom of the evil one has spread abroad throughout the land—and in this video Paul Washer unsheathes his sword and utters: "This is war!" We are not called to play video games, sit in front of a television set, or play with trifles. We are called to advance the Kingdom of Jesus Christ—to live with a passion and to fight for Him. A line has been drawn in the sand. Where will you stand? Do you seek comfort and ease or do you desire to rise up and become men and women of God? “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto death" (Revelation 12:11).


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