Darlington Transistor Pair - Making and Testing

Описание к видео Darlington Transistor Pair - Making and Testing

The video shows how to make and test a Darlington transistor pair. More details are given here: https://www.homemade-circuits.com/dar...
A TIP35 Power Transistor having a very ordinary current gain of 40 is used for the experiment. A 100K base resistor reduces the switching current to a few mA. The load is a 12 V 1 amp lamp. The meter shows just 0.02 amps as the collector current draw which is insufficient to glow the bulb. Now let's see what happens when we upgrade this power transistor with a small signal transistor...We will use a 8050 transistor to make a Darlington pair with our TIP35 power transistor. OK, we have now connected the 8050 with TIP35 in a Darlington configuration...The 100K is now shifted to the base of 8050...The power supply is from a 12V 20 amp SMPS...Let's switch ON the power and see the response...The lamp now illuminates brightly without any problems... The current draw is 0.84 mA which is quite near to 1 amp. The experiment shows how to simply upgrade a power transistor to handle substantially high loads through a Darlington connection


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