Happy Anniversary Meryl Streep & Don Gummer

Описание к видео Happy Anniversary Meryl Streep & Don Gummer

Happy Anniversary ... Today we celebrate a HUGE LOVE ~ since 1978.
Love goes beyond sex and beyond touching, it's felt in the absence of the body, of the materialism, love is born without a date or time, love is as inevitable as no retainable, love is not sought or restraint, the love finds you and overflows you. Lau♥

Feliz Aniversario ... Hoy celebramos un AMOR ENORME ~ desde 1978.
El amor va mas allá del sexo y de tocarse, es sentirse en la ausencia del cuerpo, del materialismo, el amor nace sin fecha ni hora, el amor es tan inevitable como irretenible, el amor no se busca ni se mesura, el amor te encuentra y te desborda. Lau♥


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