Why Electronic Cigarettes - The Vape Channel

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Welcome to episode 1 of The Vape Channel! Today we will be talking about "WHY electronic cigarettes". We would love to hear your thoughts and comments below. For more information on our store check out http://www.vapeescapes.com
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You know what time it is, its vape channel time! What's up guys, welcome back to the vape channel. I'm Joel and today I'm going to talk to you. I wanted to bring you some information for the beginners. So if you’re a seasoned or veteran vapor you can probably just skip past this video. If you’re new and your little bit curious about electronic cigarettes and vaping this video is for you. So we’re going to have some fun this one today. Why electronic cigarettes, I get that a lot. I have a lot of people that come in and they "Joel, I don't know if an e-cig is going to work!" But the cool thing is, they do! That's why you see stores popping up all across the countryside. I have a lot of people that were skeptical and come in and say, "You know I want to quit smoking and they can't quit, well I don't know if this is going to work." You'd be surprised how many people come in to my store a week, two weeks, 3 three weeks and I can't believe I haven't had a cigarette in X amount of time. I have people that have quit that have been doing it this for 50 years and real surprised at that. Now, why do they work do these stores keep popping up everywhere? Because the technology has come a long way since about 5 or 6 years ago. One of the things that’s really helped the industry or what helps people quit smoking is the fact that these batteries when you have an ecig kit. The component is going to have a battery; it’s going to have a tank, which will hold your juice. It will have a heating element because you got to burn the juice up somehow, right? It has a mouthpiece on it obviously. Sometimes people look at this and they think this is a little bit cumbersome, well, something like this the e-roll kit. This puppy is really cool cause this case that looks like a phone is actually a charger for this electronic cigarette. So if you don't want something that's big and cumbersome and still kind of discreet. These work wonders. The one that I really like using and that I really highly recommend in getting is something like ego-c twist. The reason why is because its got variable voltage, what does that mean? That means I can turn up the power. More power means more clouds, more nicotine, more vapor or big hits! You’re going to get a lot more out of it. The name of the game is instant gratification. Everybody wants now! Now! Now! Now! You can get that these days. When your hear electronic cigarette, you hear well what’s in the liquid? What I would recommend is find a company that has properlineglycal that's been in inhalers since 1952l look it up. Vegetable glycerin, which is in food grade products, pharmaceutical grade nicotine and flavoring. Now at my store we use artificial flavoring, what that does, that makes your juice last a little bit longer. People use organic flavors, the juice tends to burn out a little bit quickly or tends to go bad quickly, and you got to vape it really quick like I'm talking. The technology has come so far in such a short time and its only getting better day. There are some companies out there that are using alcohol in their juice. NO Bueno, you don't want that. That’s BS, don't put that in the video. Now sometimes your have gone to your local convenient store and you'll see something that looks similar to this , this is just a disposable one , I have people that want to try it out. When you get your nicotine, they have varying levels of nicotine and this day in age you can have varying levels of nicotine. Say you smoke a pack a day your going to need more nicotine. Find your sweet spot on your nicotine. Find your right voltage so you can crank it up and everyone is happy in the end, instant gratification. It works! Sometimes you go to the convenience store and you’ll see you tried one of these, when you get the ones at the convenience store a lot of the time its from China. Boo China Boo china...boo china. Our juice is all American ingredients American made. When you get it, its not going to half full, your only going to get 3 or 4 hits and go "why is my electronic cigarette not working, this is terrible. " I have people who are frustrated and they come China and suddenly "hey, I can actually have a thing that is full of juice." Juice is replaceable, the heating element is replaceable and in the end it’s going to be about the third of the cost of smoking. If saving money doesn't appeal to you I don't know what to tell ya! All right that's going to wrap it up today.


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