MFTD #2: Annie and the Beekeepers | "In the Water" | Pie Studios | Perry Margouleff

Описание к видео MFTD #2: Annie and the Beekeepers | "In the Water" | Pie Studios | Perry Margouleff

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"Masters From Their Day"

Can a classic recording be produced in just one day?? Some incredibly talented folks have already shown us: Patsy Cline, Owen Bradley, Otis Redding, Tom Dowd, Elvis Presley, Sam Phillips, The Beatles, George Martin, James Brown. A lot of timeless records were produced in a single recording session - songs that we still sing at the top of our lungs.

'MASTERS From Their Day' is a web series and an homage to the 'masters.' Each episode of MFTD gathers a set of collaborators to attempt to reprise that classic work-flow and produce a quality track in one recording session.
The video ends with the mastered track from their day.

This webisode (#2) is the first of a two sessions we recorded at Pie Studios in Glen Cove, NY. Perry Margouleff, the studio owner, loved the Masters From Their Day concept, and suggested to shoot two back-to-back episodes at Pie. We decided to shoot two sessions within three days (our camera man needed a day between shoots to rest his camera-arm). The 2nd episode shot at Pie Studios will be released very soon, so be sure to subsribe and sign-up on to be notified.

When we first began preparing for this session, the artist (Annie and the Beekeepers from Brooklyn, NY) emailed to me the song they planned to record. It was a beautiful song about love and loss. My head was swarming with ideas about presenting it in the most effective manner, and I was getting excited.

Then...the night before the session, as we were loading our gear into the studio, they called me and told me they just wrote a new song, "In the Water," which they were very excited about. They recorded it at their practice with an iPhone, and offered to send it to me to hear. I was very skeptical about switching songs the day before the session, but I agreed to listen. (read more at

Episode 2 details:

Date - April 22, 2010
Song - "In the Water"
Artist - Annie and the Beekeepers (
Recording Studio - Pie Studios, Glen Cove, NY (
Recording Engineer - Perry Margouleff (
Producer and mix engineer - Elias Gwinn ( )
Mastering Engineer - Gavin Lurssen ( )
Mic pre-amps & A/D/A converters on all tracks - Benchmark Media Systems ( )
Video director - Isaac Deitz ( )
Mixed at Velidoxi ( ) in Syracuse, NY
Assistant Engineer - Jeremy Johnston (

'Annie and the Beekeepers' are:
Annie Lynch - Acoustic guitar, vocals
Alexandra Spalding - Banjo, vocals
Ken Woodward - Double bass, electric guitar

The console at Pie Studios is a Neve 8068. The microphones used were Microtech Gefell, Neumann, and BBC 3038 (original version of Coles 3038).

The tracks were recorded through Benchmark MPA1 and PRE420 microphone preamplifiers's, Benchmark ADC1 a/d converters, Benchmark DAC1 d/a converters, and recorded into Pro Tools.


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