What is Jewish Intimacy

Описание к видео What is Jewish Intimacy

Rav Yisrael explains the beauty of Jewish Sex (Intimacy). Eye opening, moving, and inspiring.

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Rabbi Yisrael Frenkel is a beloved speaker, author and mashpia, known for his innovative and pioneering work with yeshiva students and young men worldwide in the fields of healthy sexuality, self discovery, and pre and post marriage work.
Rav has been learning in prominent yeshivos and kollelim in Israel since age 17. In his early years, he developed an expertise in halacha and sat on the Bes Din of ribbis with Rav Vind. He wrote for Oz VeHadar on the Shulchan Aruch Hamevoar project and was invited to be a Ram in Yeshivas Mir where he led a large chabura of hand picked international bochurim in Yiddish. Today Rav teaches full time in Yeshiva Gedola, as well as worldwide from his home outside Jerusalem where together with his wife, they raise their lively family and spend time with grandchildren. He founded and runs Lev Yisrael with his wife, counselling, mentoring and inspiring hundreds of students worldwide.


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