EarthSplitter - Skitten (me), FireWave & glory7031 (Read desc.)

Описание к видео EarthSplitter - Skitten (me), FireWave & glory7031 (Read desc.)

Sorry for not being active for the past few days. My internet was down and I could only get it fixed today. It is the exam period now, so I'll be gone for one more week. I might upload one or two more videos until next Thursday, I'll see.
Enjoy this collab level! :)

Texture Pack: Default
Level Requests:

EarthSplitter - Skitten, FireWave & glory7031 [-*]
Level ID: 12959859
Song: Xtrullor - Earthsplitter by Xtrullor
Song ID: 635716


Информация по комментариям в разработке