Gnosia PS5 Part 7 - Loops 56 to 62, Gina and Yuriko's meeting, Stella's and SQ's romance ending

Описание к видео Gnosia PS5 Part 7 - Loops 56 to 62, Gina and Yuriko's meeting, Stella's and SQ's romance ending

0:00 Start
0:23 Loop 56 - Played as usual until...
7:32 Won the game as human with Gina, who is sad because she hopes everyone killed by Gnosia can come back to who they were... as Gina reveals that her mom had cyberized herself and was never the same ever again (final Gina note)
8:55 Loop 57 - Played until....
10:47 Stella confides in me in the lab that she's scared of Jonas, who only acts nice when something bad is about to happen, and that he's acting nice ever since saving the survivors at Liu-Ann, meaning he may be Gnosia
13:18 Ran into Jonas in the cargo hold, who did not like me snooping around his valuables, before sharing some tea with me before telling me how Stella was sent by the government to assist the ship and watch over Jonas... after which LeVi claims Jonas has been being declared certified insane by the government
22:23 After winning as humans, Stella tells me that, since Jonas was Gnosia, she's out of a job... only to hint that she wants to work for me, both professionally and romantically
24:00 Loop 58 - Played until...
27:41 Won the match as human with SQ, which has a scene that's similar to the other ending... only for this to be a true romance ending instead, which also revealing that she's happy we collaborated because she's actually only one years old due to being born in an incubation pod
30:20 Loop 59 - Died at the end
40:51 Loop 60 - Played until...
42:43 Ran into Gina and Remnan in the ship having a somber conversation about Gina being scared of disappearing due to the Gnosia, with Remnan suggesting that the Gnosia aren't so bad... then name drops Yuriko when Gina talks about her mom being cyberized, as Yuriko knows a lot about it
45:40 Gina and me decides to visit Yuriko to talk about what Remnan said, which Yuriko immediately outs Remnan as Gnosia, then teaches us a little about the origins of cyberization, as well as Yuriko's origins of being a Shrine Maiden, played until killed
53:25 Loop 61 - Gnosia Comet and me starts talking a bit about how she's bad at lying, and that if need be, to throw her under the bus
55:52 During the time warp, Gnosia Comet, with hair down, visits me to talk about how comfortable she is in the time warp as it reminds her of her childhood.... before asking who should we kill
1:00:00 Gnosia Sha-Ming asks me to kill Otome because since she's a lab animal, she's going to go back anyway if she survives, so it's better to kill her here and I disagree... only to went back and kill her anyway, which Sha-Ming freaks out about, played until we won as Gnosia Comet was voted out
1:09:09 Loop 62 - Played as Gnosia with Sha-Ming again
1:11:27 Repeat of the same scene with Gnosia Sha-Ming wanting to kill Otome, except I didn't kill her this time
1:14:37 Ran into Gnosia Sha-Ming, who tells me about a dream he had that reminded him of his childhood ever since he became Gnosia... but when asked about it, he said he'd tell me if we survived together
1:19:33 Won as Gnosia, so Gnosia Sha-Ming tells me his childhood, where he was raised by bobonos in a lab, who were all killed when the higher ups deemed them unnecessary, explaining why he felt the way he did with Otome... before hitting on me because he assumes I want some of that


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