Stories of Subantarctic Islands | Age of Sealing | History of Antarctic Voyages | Julius Manuel

Описание к видео Stories of Subantarctic Islands | Age of Sealing | History of Antarctic Voyages | Julius Manuel

Stories of Subantarctic Islands in Malayalam | Age of Sealing | History of Antarctic Voyages
Subantarctic islands are the islands situated near another continental mainland or on another continental plate, but biogeographically linked to the Antarctic and are part of the Antarctic realm, roughly north of and adjacent to the Antarctic Convergence. The New Zealand Subantarctic Islands consist of five island groups (the Snares, Bounty Islands, Antipodes Islands, Auckland Islands and Campbell Island) in the Southern Ocean south-east of New Zealand. The islands, lying between the Antarctic and Subtropical Convergences and the seas, have a high level of productivity, biodiversity, wildlife population densities and endemism among birds, plants and invertebrates. They are particularly notable for the large number and diversity of pelagic seabirds and penguins that nest there.
Seal hunting, or sealing, is the personal or commercial hunting of seals. Seals have been used for their pelts, their flesh, and their fat, which was often used as lamp fuel, lubricants, cooking oil, a constituent of soap, the liquid base for red ochre paint, and for processing materials such as leather and jute. The first commercial hunting of seals by Europeans, is said to have occurred in 1515, when a cargo of fur seal skins from Uruguay was sent to Spain for sale in the markets of Seville.
This video is about some curious and interesting stories during sealing era. The video focused in Subantarctic Islands lies below Australia and New Zealand.
* Video Details
Title: Stories of Subantarctic Islands | Age of Sealing | History of Antarctic Voyages
Narrator: Julius Manuel
Story | Research | Edit | Presentation: Julius Manuel
*Social Connection
Facebook/Instagram : #hisstoriesonline
Email: [email protected]
*Credits & Licenses
Music/ Sounds: YouTube Audio Library
Video Footages : Storyblocks



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