The Arcatraz warrior POV WoW Classic TBC

Описание к видео The Arcatraz warrior POV WoW Classic TBC

Tempest Keep is a former Naaru fortress in the Netherstorm in Outland. This crystalline fortress is now ruled by Kael'thas Sunstrider, the lord of the blood elves, and dominated by scores of his brethren. The structure is divided into three wings in the skies--satellites of the gigantic structure--with the fourth wing, the Exodar, now in the world of Azeroth as the Draenei capital.

The Arcatraz houses four demonic bosses that must be defeated by parties seeking to stop Sunstrider. The Arcatraz has an attunement questline requiring players to obtain key pieces from the other Tempest Keep Dungeons, the Botanica and the Mechanar. Only one person in the party is required to have this key to grant access to the Arcatraz for the group. For more information on the Arcatraz attunement, check our Classic Burning Crusade Attunement Guides.

Arcatraz is a level 70 dungeon on both Normal and Heroic modes.

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