Darkest Dungeon - Combat Music

Описание к видео Darkest Dungeon - Combat Music

DISCLAIMER: The music is owned by Red Hook Studios, creators of Darkest Dungeon and composer of the soundtrack, Stuart Chatwood. For those reasons, this video is not and will never be monetised!

If you like the music or the game (or both :P), please support the creators by purchasing their game: http://store.steampowered.com/app/262...

Buy the Official Soundtrack here -




Track List:
00:00 - Combat in the Ruins
03:36 - Battle in the Warrens
04:56 - Return to the Warrens
06:18 - Mournweald Encounter
08:42 - The Cove Battle
13:19 - The Final Combat


Информация по комментариям в разработке