Mozart: "In un istante / Parto, m'affretto" from Lucio Silla - Apollo's Fire

Описание к видео Mozart: "In un istante / Parto, m'affretto" from Lucio Silla - Apollo's Fire

Mozart: Lucio Silla
Recit: "In un istante"
Aria: "Parto, m'affretto

Apollo's Fire Baroque Orchestra
Jeannette Sorrell, conductor
Amanda Forsythe, soprano

Performed at Oberlin College - Finney Chapel
April 28, 2013

Recitativo: Giugna worries about her husband who is threatened with death by the Roman dictator.

Aria (coloratura): "Parto, m'affretto" (I'm leaving, I hurry) - She resolves to go to the Senate and offer herself for sacrifice in place of her husband.

Principal players:
Olivier Brault, concertmaster
Johanna Novom, assoc. concertmaster
Julie Andrijeski, princ. II
Karina Schmitz Fox, princ. viola
René Schiffer, princ. cello
Sue Yelanjian, princ. contrabass



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