DCS Mission Editor Tutorial - Walkthrough for a full mission

Описание к видео DCS Mission Editor Tutorial - Walkthrough for a full mission

How to create a fully working "proper" mission from blank screen (start) to the end testing phase. As well as reminding ourselves about mission editor flags and triggers, an essential concept, this video will also tie an increasing number of mission editing bits together, to create a fully working DCS mission that players can go fly.

A "proper" mission should not just be about "killing the bad guy" but it should also have a way to complete it (or even to fail it). This will of course include the usual suspects: Triggers, flags, trigger zones and units, groups and their waypoints, even the "specials" where the waypoint depends on something else to be true, or false.

Included will be an endless cycle for a russian transport helo that is set to fly back and forward between bases on repeat. This can be done for tanks and planes in much the same way.

For those wanting to see every aspect of the editor for DCS, real time what happens - I agree, that is useful for beginners and those in the early stages of making missions - so I've left everything in. Zero video editing, plus it gives others with a passing interested in what making missions is all about.

I maintain absolutely zero coding or scipting is required to make good, lag-free missions.


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