Kotone Shiomi's Last Surprise

Описание к видео Kotone Shiomi's Last Surprise

Makoto bought us a loudspeaker today. I wasn't planning to try it out yet, but apparently our new guest has other plans!

#persona3 #persona3reload #persona3portable #persona3remake #persona5 #persona5royal #femc still no name :(

{The hallways seem to have no end. It's pretty dark here, and there's... is that blood on the floor?}

{Either way, I guess I should hurry.}

"Oh... it's you. Hey, Arthur."

{Good evening, Jack.}

{Uh... have you seen...}

"Iduno? No. Couldn't find him anywhere either. He's probably in a deeper level or something. Uh... he'll be fine, I think. He usually comes back. There's not really much danger in it for him since, y'know."

{I see...}


"... say, why don't we go somewhere nicer? This place gives me the creeps."

{Y-Yeah. Do you know what this place is?}

"If I recall, it probably has something to do with him, too. He did show his memories to us recently."

{Mhm. It was a pretty confusing experience.}

"That could be said for any of us, really..."

{Oh—I guess you're right! Ahahahaha!}

"(... And here I almost thought I warmed up to this guy, but apparently he's not done being a creep. I still don't understand him at all.)"

{Um, anyway... since Iduno isn't here, do you have any ideas on what to do?}

"Wait, what?"

{You're my superior, right?}

"Well... yeah. Wait, you want me to... oh."

"Okay, so uh, while I'm probably not as good at explaining it as him, today I'm going to be teaching you something Iduno told me the other day."

"Ahem... Arthur. Have you ever heard of the terms foil, voice, and face? Wait, no, that came out wrong. Uh, what I mean is, in the context of fate."

{Fate? I mean, I've heard about the other two, I think. Foil's a new one, though.}

"Okay, so we'll start with that."

"Basically, a foil is the relationship between two or more people whose personalities complement each other. They could be opposites who attract, "the same but different", "different but the same", and have generally connected or opposing themes."

"For example, maybe you and a rival of yours are foils to each other because your similar backgrounds yet opposing goals are the reason why the two of you are rivals in the first place. Recognizing foils can be helpful in figuring out what fate has in store for you, and can also help with self-reflection."

"Then we have the next two concepts: voice and face."

"A voice is what one might call a person's soul, but it doesn't really work like that. A person (the face) can have multiple voices, and several faces can share the same voice."

{Faces sharing a voice...}

{... wait. So two people who exist at the same time... can share a voice...}

"Yeah. While they don't have to be connected like foils are, sometimes a pattern of similarity crops up."

"Now, uh, while there are definitely multiple voices out there, if I recall, only a certain portion of them can enter the Box, and only some of those can actually remember what happens when they wake up. This one I'm not really sure about, though—"

{Jack. Could you... answer something for me?}

"... Yeah? What is it?"

{So, uh... I'm assuming you also share a voice with someone else, right?}

"Well, probably. Most people do."

{If someone shares a voice with you, who can both enter and remember the Box... can they remember the Box as well?}

"That's... oddly specific, but... actually, I've never even thought of that before. I don't really know either, so maybe I'll ask Iduno later. Uh, why exactly do you ask?"


{When I came here earlier, I saw someone else that wasn't any of us. They weren't a manifestation of the Box, but a real person. And they seemed to be aware of their surroundings.}

"Well, we're not exactly the only ones who can do that."

{Yeah, but... They approached me, and asked me where you were. They were looking for you, apparently because the two of you shared a voice.}

"That's... Huh."

"Did that person say anything else?"

{Uh, they were muttering something about a TV—}



"Did... Did you see their face? What did they look like?"

{It was pretty dark, but uh... Average height, kinda shady-looking, sounded bit like y—}




"Oh, you have to be kidding me—this again..."


"... not like I have any choice in the matter. If I have to go through eight floors of this mess again, I absolutely will."


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