Paleo Hebrew The Language of the Israelites - Episode 1

Описание к видео Paleo Hebrew The Language of the Israelites - Episode 1

#paleohebrew #yahawah #yahawashi #israelitechurch

The Paleo Hebrew or what some call Lashawan Qadash (The Holy Tongue) is the Language of the Israelites and the language the Father spoke to create the world. We will be journeying deep into our original language and learning to read and speak it as well as many deep biblical insights.

This is Episode 1.

Special mention of praise to @originalhebrewseries for their labor and research, be sure to subscribe to their channel also.

Prophecy Ministries is an Israelite Church that allows all nations and people to come and learn the truth without any discrimination. We do not believe in hating the people that Christ died to save.

Join us live in person for Worship, Teaching, and fellowship at our Israelite Church location in Phoenix AZ.

2962 W Clarendon Ave Phoenix AZ 85017


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