Typescript & Zod tutorial with React-Hook-Form

Описание к видео Typescript & Zod tutorial with React-Hook-Form

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Learn how to use TypeScript & Zod validation together in this tutorial. We will also apply TypeScript & Zod with React-Hook-Form to provide both user input validation and feedback. TS + Zod together provides both type safety and runtime type checking!

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Typescript & Zod tutorial with React-Hook-Form

(00:00) Intro
(00:05) Welcome
(00:28) What is Zod? And does Zod do?
(01:35) Starter Code & Dependencies
(02:30) Basic Zod Examples
(04:48) User API Data
(05:07) Basic User Schema with Zod
(10:05) Inferring Types, Fetching & Parsing Data
(12:47) Merging & Extending Zod Schemas
(18:34) React-Hook-Form dependencies
(19:21) React-Hook-Form docs
(20:54) zodResolver & React-Hook-Form

📚 Tutorial References:
🔗 Zod Official Website: https://zod.dev/
🔗 React-Hook-Form Official Website: https://www.react-hook-form.com/
🔗 NPM @hookform/resolvers: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@hookfo...
🔗 {JSON} Placeholder: https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/...

⚙ Web Dev Tools:
🔗 Vite: https://vitejs.dev/
🔗 Tailwind CSS setup for Vite: https://tailwindcss.com/docs/guides/vite
🔗 Chrome Browser: https://www.google.com/chrome/
🔗 Visual Studio Code (VS Code): https://code.visualstudio.com/

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