Kämpfer an der unsichtbaren Front - Fighters on the invisible Front - A Tribute to Stasi

Описание к видео Kämpfer an der unsichtbaren Front - Fighters on the invisible Front - A Tribute to Stasi

On this day, 31 years ago, one of the most notorious and effective agencies in the world dissolved, after a treacherous protests and, ultimately, coup d'état against socialist government of East Germany, which led to annexation of DDR by BRD in October 1990. That agency was named Ministry for State Security, better known by it's nickname- Stasi. This word, Stasi, still freezes the blood in the veins of enemy of socialism, as it did back then. Stasi crushed treacherous opposition in country, by using effective technics like Zersetsung and wast network of informants, that helped the state and Stasi against domestic threat. They fulfilled duty to their country! Opposition was led by ''fighters for human rights, freedom of speech and democracy'', sponsored by the West. Stasi also beated CIA and BND in every aspect by using Romeo-spies and also vast network of sleeping spies like Günter Guillaume (for example, West had no clue how Markus Wolf, had of foreign intelligence, looked until 1974, even though he regularly appeared in state media! ) , supported agencies that protected revolutions and governments against foreign and domestic enemy (like in Cuba, Syria, Angola, Vietnam...). This legendary Fighters on the invisible Front were betrayed, but i believe that Stasi will raise again!!!
Until then, Salute to Stasi heroes comrades!
Kämpfer an der unsichtbaren Front- hymn of Stasi, followed by State security personell, and most notorious spies and collaborators.
The song was performed by Stasi ensemble.

Erste schwere Fahrt für dich ins fremde Land
Einen kühlen Kopf brauchst du und eine ruhige Hand
An die Tücken dieses Weges denke nicht
Bester Schutz dagegen ist ein Allerweltsgesicht

First difficult trip for you to a foreign country
You need a cool head and a steady hand
Do not think about the pitfalls of this path
The best protection against it is a common face

Du Kämpfer an der unsichtbaren Front
Den Menschen bist du unbekannt
Jedoch es dankt dir für all dein Tun, für deinen Mut
Für dein stilles Heldentum - Dein Vaterland.

You fighters on the invisible front
You are unknown to people
However, it thanks you for everything you do, for your courage
For your quiet heroism - to your fatherland.

Das, was dir etwas bedeutet, bleibt zurück
Frau und Kinder, Eltern, Freunde und dein Alltagsglück
Liebe ist es dann, die deinen Weg verschönt
Weil am Leben dieser Menschen dir so viel liegt ...

What means something to you is left behind
Wife and children, parents, friends and your everyday happiness
It is then love that beautifies your way
Because you care so much about the lives of these people...

In der Fremde wächst du über dich hinaus
Pflichterfülltes Leben - dafür dankt dir dein Zuhaus
Triffst du glücklich in der Heimat wieder ein
Wird der Frieden auf der Erden sicher sein

In a foreign country you grow beyond yourself
Duty-fulfilled life - your home thanks you for it
Will you arrive back home happily
Peace on earth will be assured

Du Kämpfer an der unsichtbaren Front
Den Menschen bist du unbekannt
Jedoch es dankt dir für all dein Tun, für deinen Mut
Für dein stilles Heldentum - Dein Vaterland.

You fighters on the invisible front
You are unknown to people
However, it thanks you for everything you do, for your courage
For your quiet heroism - to your fatherland!!!!!!!!

#DDR #Stasi


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