Project Ekko Login Screen ( Fan Made )

Описание к видео Project Ekko Login Screen ( Fan Made )

you can check out my new Championship Zed Login screen
   • Championship Zed Login Screen [Fan Made]  
Hey Guys it's My First time trying to animate somthing like that i know it's sucks :D but hope you guys like it
Especially ekko main's :D
if you're intrested i will link the files and replace it with the actual ashe login screen ( not recommended :'D )

like i promised the files for the loging screen i don't knw what happens but the sound dissapeared don't know why even when i tried to put mp3 file !!. if anyone knows the issue you can message me please :D
i don't own anything
Music : [Drumstep] - Muzzy - Junction Seven [Monstercat EP Release]

   • [Drumstep] - Muzzy - Junction Seven [...  

Ekko is property of Riot Games


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