ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 1

Описание к видео ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 1

Welcome, YouTubers, to another episode in my Grammar Hero series. According to a recent poll in which I asked what you wanted to see in future videos, 42% of you said you wanted more videos on word knowledge and paragraph comprehension.

In light of that, I decided to create this video, which is a practice test for the word knowledge subtest of the ASVAB. I anticipate making at least ten of these videos as well as creating some videos for the paragraph comprehension subset. As always, feel free to like and subscribe to my channel as well as leave some feedback in the comment section below.

Test Prep Resources
ASVAB AFQT For Dummies:
2018 / 2019 ASVAB For Dummies:
ASVAB Prep Plus 2018-2019:
ASVAB Study Guide 2019-2020 Secrets: ASVAB Test Prep:
Barron's ASVAB Flash Cards, 2nd Edition:
1,001 ASVAB Practice Questions For Dummies (+ Free Online Practice):
ASVAB Bilingual, 1E


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