Aktifitas Seharian di Rumah Pegunungan Indonesia | Mei 2024 | Life In Village Mountain Indonesia

Описание к видео Aktifitas Seharian di Rumah Pegunungan Indonesia | Mei 2024 | Life In Village Mountain Indonesia

Hai, ini video pertama kami tinggal dirumah baru, rumahnya belum jadi, masih proses pembangunan, kami mulai tinggal disini agar pembangunan lebih cepat, kami mulai menanam sayur, dan sering dikunjungi anak anak di desa

Hi, this is our first video living in a new house, the house is not finished yet, it is still under construction, we are starting to live here so that construction is faster, we are starting to plant vegetables, and often visit the children in the village


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