Stars & Strikes Doubles Season 1 Episode 1 Premiere Episode (1991)

Описание к видео Stars & Strikes Doubles Season 1 Episode 1 Premiere Episode (1991)

Stars & Strikes Doubles Format Candlepin Bowling.

Original Recording date is 10/03/1991 at Park Place Lanes in Windham, NH.

This episode features Joe Ashline and Dave Richards number 5 seeded team playing against Pat Pay and Reggie Deline number 4 seeded team. The show originally aired over TV on 10/06/1991. We will slowly remaster more shows as time allows. Some shows were lost or unrecoverable due to age and storage. Our plan to hopefully add one show a week in consecutively numbered shows, so you can follow the matches as the bowlers work their way up the ladder, so be sure to subscribe to the channel. Closed captioning help is appreciated to help those who are hearing impaired enjoy the weekly show too. Original quality show DVD's should become available for a handling cost, should there be any requests for copies of shows. Enjoy!

A little history of why, how, and when:
I wanted to preserve history as all of the original masters of the shows were being dumped into the dumpster and I stopped it by asking for ownership of the shows destined to fade away. Some of the people in the shows had already passed away then. I believe one bowler may have passed too when the tapes were acquired.
This is all history and it needed to be preserved. I was part of the history in the production of the shows. Some people that were part of that production have passed away too. Nothing is permanent here on Earth, well some things are, but not us humans anyways.
History as I recall it:
Long ago WNDS was sold to Global Broadcasting Network, (I think was their name) and Stars and Strikes came to an end. I fought to at least finish the season, but it was squashed in the end by the original owners for some reason unknown to me.
WNDS later took back the station due to the new company defaulting on the loan and the employees check bounced, but we still came to work (Why?). Now that the station was back to the original owners Bowling continued for a short time until it was sold again. CTV of Derry Inc. was dissolved shortly after the sale ($28 Million+/-) was finalized and the new owners had no interest in acquiring or continuing Bowling (I believe they hated the show) and only completed the season due to my persistence of finishing the season off to suppress the backlash that would occur if the season was not completed. It was during taping ( I seem to recall asking to re-run shows and it was a flat NO) or shortly after taping ended when it was ordered to dispose of the remaining shows in the building to make space. Some shows had previously been already dumped when it was in production years prior by angry employees (Shame!). The building was being flushed of all old equipment and programming and roll off dumpsters were filed with tapes and equipment. I specifically asked if I could acquire the ownership of all the shows and they granted them to me and they were saved from the dumpster and history was preserved or was it?
We'll the tapes sat in various locations being stored away slowly deteriorating as tape does. I had no funds or equipment to transfer them as back then tape was the primary format as drive space was very expensive , so they remained as tapes.
One place that Skins and Doubles were stored was my parents and that was a mistake for sure. Little did I know my mother was slowly and systematically destroying them, hence the lost episodes. I still get angry over that loss!
Now 15-20 years later with my memory not as good as it was remembering about the shows and I realized history was not being preserved with them stored away out of sight, out of mind and I spent my own money acquiring some broadcast decks, frame store and digitizing equipment. My health is not a good as it should be, as I suffer with a long term illness that seems to be getting worse, so my mission now while still on this Earth is to preserve the shows before they are totally lost and forgotten. I'm still working and a year from retirement, so it takes time to do the transfers and the frame store fan just died, so I have to fix it before continuing.
To all the bowlers, fans, and the crew involved in producing the shows, this is all for you!


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