He boxed his daughter and stayed together until the end of Hell. |《The Luggage》

Описание к видео He boxed his daughter and stayed together until the end of Hell. |《The Luggage》

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《箱子 The Luggage》
★錫切斯奇幻影展最佳短片 SITGES - International Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia - Best Short Film
★金馬影展 Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival
★鮮浪潮國際短片節 Fresh Wave International Short Film Festival
★東京國際短片影展最佳短片 Tokyo Short Film Festival - Best Short Film
★奧斯卡獎最佳真人短片初選 Academy Award for Best Short Film Shortlist

Deep in debt and with no way out, a man accidentally kills his beloved daughter in a tragic mistake. Desperate and panicked, he places her body in a large box and flees from the relentless debt collectors. But as he runs, disturbing sounds begin to emanate from the box…

Review from programmer:
Yifen Tsai, a nominee of the Golden Bell Award for the series " Kill for Love" (2020), takes on her first short film and transforms the gentle-looking Morning Tzu-Yi Mo into a fugitive. Mixing folk songs with suspenseful elements, she creates an authentic, chilling atmosphere that captivates the audience. This film won the Best Short Film award at the SITGES International Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia and was shortlisted for the Academy Award for Best Live Action Short Film. It is one of the most successful short films in the history of Taiwanese cinema. (Film Critic: Wonder Weng)


A father in debt accidentally kills his beloved daughter. It may seem like a straightforward social realist story. But under Yifen Tsai's skillful screenplay, it transforms into a uniquely styled thriller. Tsai uses precise cinematic language to create an eerie atmosphere. A few wide-angle shots evoke the bleakness of a small-town murder mystery, interwoven with the subtle warmth of life. This contrast enhances the film's unsettling, spine-tingling impact. (Curator, Film Critic: HSIEH I-hsuan)

產地 Country of origin
台灣 Taiwan

語言 Languages
華語 Mandarin


導演/編劇 Director/Writer:
蔡怡芬 Yifen Tsai

張偉志:莫子儀 Morning Tzu-Yi Mo
小可:陳宥棠 Athena Chen
張偉志前妻:劉黛瑩 Daiying LIU
旅館老闆娘:今子嫣 Chin Tzu-yen
張偉志表哥:劉明勳 Sean Liu
警察:鄭仰山 CHENG Yang-Shan

監製 Executive Producer
陳寶旭 Pao-Hsu Chen

製片 Producer
施雅純 Ya Chun Shih

攝影指導 Director of photography
趙冠衡 Eric Chao

燈光師 Gaffer
楊青翰 Ching-Han Yang

美術指導 Production Designer
羅文璟 Wenjing Lo

造型指導 Costume and Makeup Artist
李若熏 Her Myrtle Lee

特化指導 Special Effects Makeup Artist
王嘉瑩 Kiara Wang

錄音師 Location audio mixer
陳維良 Chen Wei-Liang

音樂總監 Composer
陳建騏 George Chen
羅恩妮 Annie Lo

混音 Final Mixers
陳姝妤 Shu Yu Chen

特效 Special Effects
罡風創意 DCraft Studio

視效總監 VFX Supervisor
嚴振欽 ArChin Yen

Reproduced on this channel with the permission of the copyright owner.


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