uppsc uppcs 2024: uttar pradesh latest forest report revised & updated| only imp facts cover|

Описание к видео uppsc uppcs 2024: uttar pradesh latest forest report revised & updated| only imp facts cover|

uppsc 2024 admit card released ,download started. uppsc last 10 days best strategy by Gyan sir .अंत मे सिर्फ ऐसे पढ़कर ही UPPCS 2024 PRE CUTOFF निकल सकता है । POSTS बढ गई हैं । Most Imp Topics , PAPA videos to be followed are as follows 👇👇
UPPCS 2024 PRELIMS मे अब सिर्फ CUTOFF CLEAR करने पर FOCUS करिए।
सिर्फ ये वीडियोज भी CUTOFF CLEAR करा सकते हैं 👇👇 ध्यान से सारे वीडियोज चबा डालो
1. TOTAL CURRENT PAPA =    • Complete Current affairs for UPPCS Pr...  
UP CURRENT PAPA =    • Last 12 Months Uttar Pradesh Current ...  
2. MISCELLANEOUS PAPA =    • uppcs 2024 ro aro beo Miscellaneous p...  
3. Union budget 2024 PAPA =    • Union budget 2024 25 Gyan sir PAPA VI...  
QUESTIONS =    • Union Budget 2024-25 Most Important Q...  
4. UP BUDGET 2024 PAPA =    • up budget 2024 25 papa video by Gyan ...  
Questions =    • UP BUDGET 2024-25 Most important ques...  
5. Polity Listing =
1st part =    • POLITY LISTING PAPA video by Gyan sir...  
2nd part =    • POLITY LISTING PAPA video by Gyan sir...  
6. Government Schemes -
Hindi =    • All government schemes 2024 full list...  
English =    • All Government policies & schemes 202...  
7. UP Government Schemes -
Hindi =    • उत्तर प्रदेश की सरकारी योजनाएँ 2024 |...  
English =    • UP Government New Schemes 2024 | impo...  
8. Science listing -
Hindi medium =    • Complete science Gk listing study for...  
ENG Medium =    • Complete science Gk listing study for...  
9. Environment Listing -
Hindi =    • uppsc UP PCS 2024 beo | Ro aro 2023 E...  
English medium =    • uppsc UP PCS 2024 | ENVIRONMENT LISTI...  
10. Geography Listing -
Hindi =    • uppsc pcs beo 2024 ro aro 2023 Comple...  
English medium =    • Complete Geography of india BHUGOL bh...  
11. History Listing -
Hindi =    • Complete History of india bhartiya it...  
English medium =    • Complete History of india bhartiya it...  
12. History compilation-
English Medium =    • uppsc UPPCS 2024 ro aro 2023 COMPLETE...  
Hindi medium =    • uppsc UPPCS 2024 ro aro 2023 BEO bpsc...  
   • uppsc UPPCS 2024 ro aro beo Full Medi...  
   • uppsc UPPCS 2024 PCS RO ARO BEO Compl...  
For PAID GRPS ,Call /whatsapp 8564880530 or 7523864455 or 9696066089 .Gyan sir study for civil services whatsapp= 7838692618

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