Kissing Spine Rehab Exercises

Описание к видео Kissing Spine Rehab Exercises

Hi I’m Kristy, returned to riding after a long break with my ex-racehorse who has multiple medical issues and a bone deformity. The purpose of this channel is to have a diary of our time together, to share information to hopefully help other horse owners and to perhaps earn a little money on the side to help me keep up with Cash’s ongoing care (he is unfortunately now uninsurable).

Please watch with kindness. If you wish to help me, please ASK if I would like help with something rather than TELL me what to do and your comment will be better received.
I’m so so grateful that you want to help me and Cash, but as you may know learning looks messy. I cannot fix everything at once and although I’m always striving to get better, sometimes it’s nice to just appreciate where I’m at right now. I may not have the mental capacity to work on your suggestion at that time so it’s always best to ask so I can prepare myself mentally for what comes next.

You do not get to be rude and knowingly or unknowingly disguise it as caring for Cash.

Believe me when I say NO ONE cares for Cash more than I do. I am always trying to help him and make him as comfortable as possible.

Thank you for joining us and I hope you like this


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