Meet Brian Taghadossi, JD '23

Описание к видео Meet Brian Taghadossi, JD '23

Brian Taghadossi, ‘23, chose McGeorge School of Law because of the school's location and its deep connections to the local legal community. Prior to law school, Taghadossi served in the military from 2000 - 2006. Taghadossi explains how McGeorge was the right choice for him because when he faced certain struggles, the staff at McGeorge were ready to help.

During Taghadossi’s time at McGeorge, he completed two externships at the Sacramento County Public Defender’s Office, where he externed at the Domestic Violence Court and the DUI Court. Taghadossi was also involved with the Homeless Advocacy Clinic, where he was able to provide legal services to help people experiencing homelessness with barriers to housing.

Learn more about McGeorge School of Law:
Learn more about the Homeless Advocacy Clinic:


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