Top 10 Surprising Health Benefits of Taro Roots - What Happens To Your Body If You Eat Taro Roots

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Top 10 Surprising Health Benefits of Taro Roots - What Happens To Your Body If You Eat Taro Roots !

Taro roots are the tubers of taro plants having long and wide leaves. It is native to Southeast Asia and southern India and a widely cultivated vegetable used across various regions due to its multiple health benefits. Let us discuss the health benefits of taro roots in detail.

1) Punch of energy:
Taro roots are loaded with protein and replenish energy levels. Gym goers and athletes always require a high protein diet. Taro roots are an appropriate food due to their cost-effectiveness and long-lasting boost in energy by reducing fatigue.

2) Weight loss assistance:
Due to being higher in protein and lower in calories taro roots help shed extra pounds. It is a good source of fiber that keeps you fuller for an extended period. The low caloric index of taro root assists you stay within a calorie deficit and ultimately makes weight management easier.

3) Aids in digestion:
Your digestive system needs regularity in bowel movements, and fiber is an essential nutrient to maintain digestive health. Due to its high fiber content, it is favorable to your stomach health. Taro roots offer a suppleness to the stool while passing through the digestive tract preventing constipation and other digestive disorders.

4) Heart health:
Taro roots help improve your heart health as it is lower in cholesterol and fat, which are dangerous for cardiovascular health. High cholesterol level blocks arteries and hinder blood flow through vessels which results in stroke or heart attack. Taro roots also contain a high amount of vitamin E, which plays a significant role in preventing diseases related to the heart and kidneys.

5) Hypertension:
High blood pressure is one of the most common problems of middle-aged people nowadays, and the main reason for hypertension is the high sodium content in your diet. You can prevent hypertension by consuming foods containing low sodium and fat. One cup of taro contains only 20mg of sodium which assists in maintaining kidney health and fluid retention.

6) High in vitamin C:
Taro roots are high in vitamin C and fulfill 11% of the daily intake requirement. High vitamin C helps them act as potent antioxidants and flush out toxins or waste materials from the body. It helps stimulate the immune system to produce white blood cells, which protect the body from foreign invaders or pathogens.

7) Diabetes management:
Taro roots are beneficial in maintaining blood sugar levels due to their dietary fiber content. It offers satiety and does not spike glucose levels, helping diabetes management.

8) Boost Immunity:
Taro roots support your immune system and are beneficial for regenerating new cells. A high concentration of vitamin C in taro roots helps prevent several diseases, especially cancer which is the outcome of free radicals or by-products of cellular metabolism causing healthy cells to mutate. Taro contains cryptoxanthin which is closely associated with a reduced risk of developing oral and lungs cancers.

9) Improves vision:
Various antioxidants in taro roots, such as cryptoxanthin and beta-carotene improve vision by preventing ocular cells from free radicals cell damage. These radicals are the major cause of macular degeneration or cataracts.

10) Boost blood circulation:
Although, taro roots contain all the essential nutrients which play vital roles in maintaining functions in the body. The most significant among these are iron and copper, making them an essential food to reduce the chances of anemia. Iron and copper boost circulation throughout the body and are important for the production of RBCs. These improve oxygen flow throughout the body, increasing metabolic activity and preventing fatigue. Hence taro root is useful for improving the growth of new cells stimulating the body organs and systems functioning at their best levels.



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