RJ Ronquillo's Pedalboard — What's on Your Pedalboard? 🎸

Описание к видео RJ Ronquillo's Pedalboard — What's on Your Pedalboard? 🎸

More videos like this pedalboard tour 👉    • Eric Johnson's Pedalboard – What's on...  
Shop RJ Ronquillo's pedalboard 👉 https://www.sweetwater.com/shop/gear-...
Shop effects pedals at Sweetwater 👉 https://www.sweetwater.com/shop/guita...

Mitch Gallagher sits down with guitarist RJ Ronquillo to see what's on his pedalboard.

After you watch, check out Sweetwater.com today for all your music instrument and pro audio needs! 👉 https://www.Sweetwater.com/?utm_sourc...

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