Rain World Downpour - All Endings

Описание к видео Rain World Downpour - All Endings

That's a lot of endings!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The new void endings give a lot to think about. Obviously there is no way to know exactly what is "correct," but I will share some interpretations below...

For Artificer's ending, I'm not really convinced that she became an echo as many community members seem to believe. I think that would be antithetical to her journey in the first place of finding all the echoes. If the player chooses to find the echoes, they actively forgo seeking revenge, and instead dedicate themselves to the more difficult path of enlightenment. I think this demonstrates Artificer's will to move on and let go of her anger, which binds her to this world. I think this is reflected in the ending. After seeing her pups again one final time, it was enough for Artificer to finally let go of them and leave this world behind.

For Saint's ending... my favorite interpretation is that they committed the very worst sin of ego-- far beyond that of the worldly attachment the echoes have. That sin was in their belief that they were above the cycle itself. That they were this higher being, capable of working outside the cycle, who would bring an end to it all... When in fact, in the end, Saint was never special at all, and that ego is what led to their eternal damnation. When they attacked the void worm, they clearly did so without thought of the consequences; Saint believed they were above the void worms and anything the void itself could possibly do against them. But they were wrong, in the end. In the end, Saint was just like everyone else, and their god-like ego held them back. To ascend, it seems, everyone must submit to the void and let go of their ego, and there is no higher being or action taken that is capable of bypassing that.
In this way, Saint embodies the triple affirmative and all of the problems surrounding it; Saint is the epitome of all of the incorrect ways the ancients viewed ascension. They were egotistical in believing that there was any other way to ascend, any secret path aside from letting go of yourself and the world to leave it all behind. Although I don't necessarily think that Saint is the triple affirmative, as the age of the iterators has clearly passed, I think they represent it symbolically and why it could never be achieved.

This obviously doesn't explain how Saint ended up in their cursed time donut in the first place... To that, I say there doesn't exactly need to be a "beginning" to this cycle they are in. There isn't exactly any point on a ring where you'd say it begins, is there? At the moment I do not feel that there is any sufficient evidence to say exactly how it all started, if it even did at all. I do not think the challenge mode bossfight with SOS should be interpreted as canon, just like the rest of the challenges.
Moon and Pebbles allude to none of it being real at all several times in their dialogue, so that is really the best clue we have to go off of. This is supported by the very fact that Saint gets their ascension powers at all. One interpretation I saw was that these ascension powers are not real, but instead represent Saint's wish to help others ascend. Another interpretation is that Saint is a martyr of sorts, here to help everyone ascend but incapable of it themselves. Perhaps, each time Saint cycles back to the Windswept Spires, they have "eliminated" yet another reality from the infinite set of realities that make up the universe of Rain World, and by eventually eliminating all of them, the great cycle can finally, mercifully, end.

These are just interpretations I wanted to share, though. Do not take them as fact.

obligatory timestamps
0:00 - Warning!
0:29 - Spearmaster Ending
4:00 - Artificer Ending (Revenge)
4:50 - Artificer Ending (Void Sea)
7:53 - Gourmand Ending
9:05 - Gourmand Ending (shopping list complete)/(Food quest)
10:10 - Surviver Ending (Outer Expanse)
11:31 - Monk Ending (Outer Expanse)
12:47 - Rivulet Ending
18:44 - Saint Ending (FP and LTTM ascended)
29:38 - Saint Ending (only FP ascended)
30:40 - Saint Ending (only LTTM ascended)


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