
Описание к видео #IACC2024

This Workshop took place during the 21st International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC) held in Vilnius, Lithuania, from 18-21 June 2024. More info: https://iaccseries.org/

Description: Corruption is a challenge for the global economy. Its effects range from the distortion of markets to unfair competition. This workshop will explore the potential of incentives for business integrity as a driver for change. What is the right mix of sanctions and incentives to strengthen business integrity? How can global forums such as the G20 and B20 leverage the business integrity agenda?

This interactive discussion will build on the momentum created with the first-ever Private Sector Forum held on the margins of a Conference of States Parties to the UN Convention against Corruption in December 2023. It will also follow up on resolution 10/12 on incentives for business integrity that was adopted at the Conference, recognizing the potential of incentives in the fight against corruption, and discuss how the resolution can be translated into practice.

Coordinated by: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime United Nations Global Compact


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