Lethal Company But You Can Only Leave through the FIRE EXIT - Ironman Challenge

Описание к видео Lethal Company But You Can Only Leave through the FIRE EXIT - Ironman Challenge

I tried ‪@Shirt113‬ 's Ironman Challenge variant where you can only escape through the fire exit and it was a LOT more difficult than I thought.

I was going to film my Eclipse Only Rend run when I got a message from ‪@brianevts‬ asking if I wanted to shoot some Lethal Company, and I'm usually down for collabs more than I am for solo runs.

That said, I didn't want to do a regular run like I've been doing with Brian, and I felt like it was time for him to experience Lethal Company from a more challenging perspective.

So I decided that we would try Larry's Fire Exit Only Ironman Challenge, since it was a variant I've been wanting to try and felt like it would be fine to feel it out in a duo format rather than sending it solo off rip ( like how I've done for all the ironman formats so far... except for the hardcore one for some reason).

I liked this Ironman variant because it forces you to actually explore the facility rather than go in and get out like how I normally play, so I had to get real comfortable navigating the interior on this run. And even moreso since I was guiding my friend Brian through it all.

This was a good introduction to the challenge and I have a way better feel of what's required in order to complete it, so I'll be giving it a shot solo in the near future.

Until then, subscribe to the channel for future challenge run uploads, and check out Brian's channel for when his POV goes up!

0:00 Intro
1:32 Attempt 1 - Experimentation (Jump Tutorials)
4:31 Attempt 2 - Experimentation
12:26 Assurance (Eclipsed)
18:57 Vow (Foggy)
24:08 Offense (Why Ironman Exists)
31:33 March (Caveat with this Format)
37:40 Attempt 3 - Experimentation (Bracken)
47:01 Assurance (Brian Solo)
51:46 Vow (Bracken and Giant)
58:40 Offense (Coilhead x2, Nutcracker)
1:10:49 March (Landmine Hell)
1:16:25 March (Eclipsed)
1:23:10 Rend (Stormy, Coilhead x2, Bracken)


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