Perjalanan Umrah ke Madinah & Mekah Lawatan bersejarah bersama Uztaz Shafie dari Tabung Haji Travels

Описание к видео Perjalanan Umrah ke Madinah & Mekah Lawatan bersejarah bersama Uztaz Shafie dari Tabung Haji Travels

0:00 Umrah travels
9:35 Praying in Rawdah
38:38 Masjid Quba
48:19 Battle of Uhud / Perang Uhud
1:06:27 Walkabout around Al-Masjid An-Nabawi
1:29:39 How to bring back Zamzam water using your ihram
1:53:26 Timelapse of tawaf
1:56:18 Tahallul (Shaving of hair after umrah)
2:10:13 Jabal Thawr
2:47:30 Treaty of Hudaybiyyah

My journey started less than a week before takeoff. On Tues midnight to be exact. It was third booster, passport (IC before hand), then extra pants, going for Kursus umrah in Putrajaya on Saturday, meningitis jab and finally paid for my tourist visa package on Friday 5pm (to collect luggage, etc).

Then from 22 Nov ~ 1 December 2021, i embarked on the most awesome religious journey I could ever imagine! All this during after most nations have given double doses of Covid-19 vaccines and into the third booster. Also, pre-Omicorn revelation and ban on travels to South African countries. Enjoy the raw footages of the week that was. Visit to historical sites likes Masjid Qiblatan, Uhud Mountain and the many places that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) stepped on!

There was no quarantine duration upon arriving into Saudi Arabia. Only PCR test prior flight, and prior to leaving Jeddah and upon arriving in Malaysia.


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