3D Bubble Water Effect | Coaster Tutorial | Resin coaster |

Описание к видео 3D Bubble Water Effect | Coaster Tutorial | Resin coaster |

• To make resin coasters, you will need a few materials and some quirky experimentation.
Epoxy resin: This is a two-part resin that when mixed together, creates a chemical reaction that hardens the material.
Coaster molds: You can find silicone molds in various shapes and sizes @sdfinearts.
• Pigments and additives: To add color and other effects, you can use pigments, glitter, or other additives.
•Heat gun or torch: This is used to remove any bubbles that may form during the curing process.
• Protective gear: Gloves, goggles, and a mask are recommended when working with epoxy resin.
To make resin coasters, follow these steps:
1. Prepare your workspace by laying down a drop cloth or newspaper to protect your surface.
2. Mix the epoxy resin according to the manufacturer's instructions.
3. Add any pigments or additives to the resin and mix thoroughly.
4. Pour the resin into the coaster molds, filling them up about 3/4 of the way.
5. Use a heat gun or torch to remove any bubbles that form on the surface of the resin.
6. Allow the coasters to cure for at least 24 hours before removing them from the molds.
7. Sand any rough edges or imperfections with sandpaper.
8. Apply a sealant to the coasters to protect the surface.
Your resin coasters are now ready to use or give as a gift!
9. And to watch full tutorial of this magic coasters go to our YouTube channel we're going to upload the full video by next week.
Till then stay tuned for our upcoming amazing hacks!
Loads Of Love
• Artist and Concept- @rasa_saga
• Director of photography- @cosmic_avs


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