Sneako - Make Money And Escape The Matrix | Full Podcast EP 20 The Leader of Self Improvement

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0:00 Intro
2:20 Is Sneako Happy
4:50 Should People Become Entertainers to Make Money
6:33 How to Deal with putting your Face online!
10:15 Sneako reveals the best way to Make Money
19:25 What is it like Wearing the Hijab!
27:20 How to Push Negative thoughts away!
30:27 Why being Funny is so Important for Sneako
34:10 How Sneako picked up on Social interactions!
37:02 What is Sneako’s relationship with his Brother
41:10 The Happiest moment of Sneako’s life!
42:20 The Saddest moment of Sneako’s life!
45:03 Who Motivated Sneako to become an Influencer!
47:00 What Causes you to have Mental Health Problems
48:17 Which YouTuber will become a Billionaire First!
49:40 How was it Working for Kanye West!
51:14 What is the Best thing Sneako learned from Kanye West!
53:35 How Sneako garners his Self Love!
57:13 Sneako explains his Tattoos!
59:19 How does Sneako Select his Friends!
1:01:30 How to make more Money!
1:02:37 Does Sneako still talk to Mr Beast
1:03:48 What does Sneako’s Dad do for a Living!
1:05:30 Is Sneako’s Dad in the Matrix!
1:07:24 How to Improve your Life!
1:10:22 Sneako’s Last Words!
1:12:25 Outro


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