Every Eastern Philosopher Explained in 15 minutes

Описание к видео Every Eastern Philosopher Explained in 15 minutes

The Eastern philosophical tradition stands as a wellspring of profound wisdom, offering timeless insights into the nature of consciousness, the human experience, and our relationship with the cosmos. This captivating video presents a sweeping overview of the most influential Eastern philosophers, distilling their core teachings into a concise, yet impactful format.

From the transcendent musings of Confucius to the enlightened dialogues of Shankara, viewers will embark on a transformative journey, discovering the universal truths that have guided generations of seekers. By exploring the diverse perspectives and transformative ideas of these luminaries, the video equips viewers with a deeper understanding of the Eastern worldview, its relevance in the modern era, and the timeless tools it offers for cultivating inner peace, mindful living, and existential clarity. This is a must-watch for anyone interested in expanding their philosophical horizons.

00:02 Confucius (551–479 BCE)
01:18 Laozi (6th century BCE)
02:33 Mencius (372–289 BCE)
03:49 Zhuangzi (369–286 BCE)
05:01 Sun Tzu (544–496 BCE)
06:05 Xunzi (310–235 BCE)
07:29 Mozi (470–391 BCE)
08:57 Han Feizi (280–233 BCE)
10:15 Dogen (1200–1253)
11:37 Nagarjuna (c. 150–c. 250 CE)
12:49 Vasubandhu (4th–5th century CE)
14:15 Shankara (Adi Shankaracharya) (788–820)


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