FIFA 21 Sucks! Why PES 2021 myClub is Better Than FIFA 21 Ultimate Team

Описание к видео FIFA 21 Sucks! Why PES 2021 myClub is Better Than FIFA 21 Ultimate Team

5 Reasons Why PES 2021 myClub is Better Than FIFA 21 Ultimate Team in my opinion, without mentioning gameplay (even though PES 2021 gameplay is better than FIFA 21... ha ha)

Intro: 00:00
Price of FIFA 21: (0:12)
Price of PES 2021: (0:41)
FIFA 21 Points vs myClub Points: (1:31)
Player Growth: (2:26)
Player Chemistry: (3:49)
FIFA 21 FUT Transfer Market vs PES 2021 Scout Market: (4:54)

#PESvsFIFA #myClubvsUltimateTeam #PES2021myClub

5 reasons that myClub is better than FIFA Ultimate Team

Hey guys. welcome back to one of my videos and today I want to show you 5 reasons why PES 2021 myClub is better than FIFA 21 Ultimate Team. Let’s get straight into it

1. Selling Point

Just look at the starting price of FIFA 21, it starts at £59.99 and goes to a staggering £89.99! For a game that is pretty much the same as last years.

Here is the price for PES 2021 and what you get with it. The base game starts at £24.99 but for this example we will look at the club edition version at £29.99 and you can get an iconic moments player depending on what club edition you go for and you get all of this:

• Full squad for that club edition (manager and players)
• Digital kit
• Menu theme
• 3 Player Contract Tickets for 30 weeks
• Premium Agent for 30 weeks

And if that wasn't enough, you pretty much get back almost what you paid for the game in those lovely chocolate coins in myClub Coins... 3000 of them to build your super myclub team.

2200 myClub points is about £15.

Just asking, how many coins do you get when you buy the premium edition version of FIFA 21? So is PES 2021 better for value of money, sure damn it is.

2. Build Your Team The Way You Want

At number 2 you can build a team without having to spend a dime, look how you can get all these myClub coins by doing specific tasks in the game, not only that you get daily reward logins and on some days you get coins.

On the other hand, with FIFA... EA wants you to part with your hard earned cash, burn right through your pocket. How much does it cost to get Ronaldo? What about Gullet? The worst thing is the chances of getting anyone decent are so low that Belgium had to get involved and if you get someone half decent, you have to trade that player just to gather more coins to spend on the market to build your team. I mean... you could just grind squad battles all day and night and spend 5 hours of your waking day selling bronze and silver players in the FUT market, that's always fun...

3. Player Growth
At number 3... ever just packed Mbappe Gold card and then 2 days later the Inform Card comes out and then you want it so bad that you sell your gold player and have to grind or sell your soul to get the Inform that really only had +1 on every stat? Oh.. no just me then?

Well in PES 2021 myClub, you can just upgrade your players to their max stats and have your own inform. Just to rub salt in the wounds of FIFA 21 Ultimate Team no upgrades path, you can add skill points cards to players in PES 2021 myClub to increase their stats by winning games in daily tournaments. On top of all of that if you get a duplicate player you can use him to add more XP stats for any player.

4. Player Chemistry What?

At number 4 players on myClub can play different positions more easily than on FUT 21.

In PES 2021 you can add a position training cards on your player that stays permanently and that player can play in multiple positions. Granted, your myClub player may not be a great defender if he is a striker but players like Son can play Left Wing, Right Wing and Attacking Midfield and still have a rating of 89. Do I need say more?

5. The Market Crash
At number 5 it’s the FUT Market. I get that dabbing in the market is sometimes fun and genuinely some people love it, more than the actual game itself, but does it have to feel like a day job?

Yes, there are these consumables on PES 2021 myClub, not injury ones thank god, but you can spend in game points on contracts or myclub points on Stamina, its pretty easy to get a decent 22 players that you can keep on swapping in and out of the reserves without having to spend any actual real life money. There is also a transfer market, but instead its based on a scouting system, both systems have their pros and cons, but with PES 2021 myClub I can just bid for a scout and wait, instead of having to watch everything in real time sniping on FIFA 21 Ultimate Team.

And number 6, the gameplay... oh no, I said 5 things. You don't want me to get into the gameplay... That video will be too long!

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