Super Street Fighter II X - No Rounds Lost One Credit Clear (Boxer)

Описание к видео Super Street Fighter II X - No Rounds Lost One Credit Clear (Boxer)

Time for my favorite fighting game of all time, Super Street Fighter II X, know as II Turbo in the West. There's a big difference in difficulty between regions, with the original Japanese one being challenging but around the same level of difficulty as all the other SFII games to 1CC, and the non-Japanese ones which are, in short, out to steal your money. I don't really care to deal with the silly AI changes in the II Turbo version, maybe in the far future when I have nothing else to upload I'll do a video about that one.

I go with Boxer for this 1CC since he's my main for versus play, a very strong rushdown character which makes the clear relatively easy.

Turn Around Punch (TAP) is great to trade with since it does so much more damage, and it generates plenty of super meter. It and LP Dash Punch Low are key when used from max range. I generally go reckless with offense since his attacks are so safe, but a more conservative approach works too.

His super is one of the best in the game, goes through projectiles and does tons of damage. Usually a good idea to charge meter if you have a hard time getting in on a zoner.

Headbutt is also great for this, and also doubles as an anti-air, albeit a rather slow one. You usually will be using either crouch HP, stand MP or Dash Upper for AA instead.

Character specific strats:

Ken: Wait for him to get close, then do crouch MP into dash low. He usually eats Turn Around Punch (from now on TAP, hold 3 punches or 3 kicks then release) on his wakeup. Dash low from max range is usually safe. If he does tatsu or jumps, crouch HP is usually a good anti-air.

Guile: Dash low from max range beats his crouch HK attempts. Do not get too greedy with TAP after he blocks you, he usually counters with a flashkick. Instead, wait a bit and do far HP while you keep charge to do a Dash low afterwards.

Chun-li: this can be a frustrating character since she's coded to turtle and run away from you most of the time. Be patient and approach her with TAP, max range Dash low, stand HP, and headbutt through projectiles. Do not be afraid to trade with her fireball attempts, you win the damage exchange. When you manage to get close, grab her with MP, and then when the grab ends walk under her, do crouch MK and grab her again. If you do this correctly she never gets away and your grabs do a lot of damage. If you ever see her jumping at you, doing Dash Upper to cross under her and then grab her as she lands is a viable option.

Cammy: She usually eats level 1-2 TAPs if you do them from max range. If you get hit don't be too hasty and retreat to do your TAPs again.

Blanka: I play pretty recklessly here but if you play defensively everything he does is punishable by a Dash punch or super. Grab does a lot of damage against him.

Fei-Long: Max range level 1-2 TAPs work great just like against Cammy. Do not try to do Dash punches instead because he input reads with DP when you do those.

Honda: Usually eats max range LP Dash low. Once you knock him down with one, keep doing them on his wakeup until he finally blocks or dies. Hundred Hands Slap is punishable on whiff with a LP Dash Low. Standing LP or crouch MP are great if you see him do a Sumo Headbutt.

T.Hawk: Again max range LP Dash low is very useful. Be extra careful with the spacing, however, since if you do it from too close you will get thrown out of it with a 360. His dives are punishable with Dash punches if you have charge. He's pretty jumpy, just like human Hawk players, so be prepared to antiair those if he gets in jump-in range.

Boxer: Wait for him to Dash punch and counter with crouch MP xx Dash Low. Stand HP is good to stop his approaches too, and he usually eats super.

Claw: I usually wait for him to get close and grab him. Crouch MP stops a lot of his normals, and TAP is usually safe to do. Trying to attack him as he gets up from a knockdown or recovers from a grab can be trick since he tends to flash kick reversal (unlike old SFII games where he backflips instead). Headbutt or super are generally safe to do on his wakeup.

Sagat: His tiger shots are very punishable. If you see him do one you can punish their recovery with a normal or Dash punch. If you get super, you can usually hit him with it on reaction from pretty much full screen. TAP or max range Dash low on his wakeup are quite safe and he tends to eat them. If he gets jumpy, crouch HP is always a good antiair.

Akuma: Max range TAP again saves the day. He frequently eats it, so take any chance to do them. HP headbutt is great to avoid his fireballs at close range, and he tends to eat super after blocking something else. Super to go through fireballs is also handy, and you get it easily from doing TAPs.

#Capcom #arcade #1cc #fgc


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