Christian Witnesses of Jah Live Discussion #55 - The Angel(s) of Jaho(h) in Hosea + Genesis

Описание к видео Christian Witnesses of Jah Live Discussion #55 - The Angel(s) of Jaho(h) in Hosea + Genesis


This live video series focusses on the activities, beliefs, and growth of the Christian Witnesses of Jah, a group of Christians who believe in three things above all else: 1. God the Father, Jah, is the one God of the Bible; 2. Jesus of Nazareth is the Messiah foretold and sent by God to redeem humanity; and 3. the "Golden Rule," or loving/treating others the way you want to be treated.

Everything else is up to each Christian to decide and to be judged, not by us, but by God. Of course, at times we have to deal with issues among Christians, and the Bible provides clear guidance that can be used for pretty much anything. That's why we have this show, so we can discuss different ways in which to minister to others, to better ourselves, to promote the teachings of Jesus and the Bible, and to praise Jah!

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