Week in the life: Columbia MBA | business school grad student, living alone in NYC vlog & diaries

Описание к видео Week in the life: Columbia MBA | business school grad student, living alone in NYC vlog & diaries

♡ Magoosh GMAT prep: https://imp.i154272.net/nLmWga

A fall semester week in my life as a MBA student / candidate at Columbia Business School at the new Manhattanville campus.
Come to my mba courses and spend the week with me :)
Rich & Pour Tumbler: https://richandpourco.com/products/st...

My filming equipment 📷
Tripod: https://amzn.to/3kYeTpW
Light: https://amzn.to/40ip9tk

Contact 💌
INSTAGRAM:   / itsshirleyy_  
EMAIL: [email protected]

#columbia #columbiamba #columbiauniversity #MBA #aweekinmylife #vlog #nycvlog #mbavlog #manhattan #newyork #businessschool #masterofbusinessadministration #mbacourse


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