DBXV2 PQ122 Challenge- DBS Videl

Описание к видео DBXV2 PQ122 Challenge- DBS Videl

We're finally on the last of the new DLC characters with DBS Videl. Like DBS 18, I imagine many weren't too thrilled at her first announcement, but she might actually be one of the better characters of the pack. Solid skills all around, a unique skill which may as well be pre-nerf Android Kick, and combos that can apply buffs as well as a good step cancel loop all make her very potent.

Since the DLC character challenge runs are finished, I'll be moving on to their custom counterparts since they all got access to the same skills and souls. God Vegeta is up next, so stay tuned!

Hope you all enjoy, I'll see ya next time!


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