What is Intravesical Therapy? | Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network

Описание к видео What is Intravesical Therapy? | Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network

Intravesical Imunotherapy - Bacille Calmette-Guerin or BCG | BCAN

An intravesical immunotherapy that causes an immune or allergic reaction that has been shown to kill cancer cells on the lining of the bladder. BCG is often preferred for patients who have high-grade tumors or who have CIS or T1 disease. The urologist may also suggest maintenance therapy using BCG. The rationale for maintenance therapy is that the initial therapy plus intermittent therapy for 1 to 3 years may provide a decreased likelihood that the tumors will recur. The disadvantage to maintenance therapy is prolonged bladder irritation, fever, and bleeding which may force the doctor to decrease the BCG dosage or to discontinue the therapy.

What is Intravesical Chemotherapy?

Chemotherapy (chemo) drugs can be put right into the bladder through a catheter. These drugs kill actively growing cancer cells. Intravesical chemotherapy is most often used when intravesical immunotherapy with BCG doesn’t work. Giving chemo right into the bladder instead of injecting it into the bloodstream means these medicines that can kill cancer, usually do not reach and effect other parts of the body. This helps people avoid many of the side common effects that a person who receives systemic chemotherapy might experience.


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