Taking Delivery of My 2018 Huracan Spyder 580-2!

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It’s official! I’m the proud owner of this 2018 Lamborghini Huracán Spyder 580-2!!

I still have the Hot Wheels Lamborghini I used to play with as a kid. Back then, the thought of ever owning one was a pipe dream. Today is historic. My kids got to watch their dad take delivery of a Lamborghini. They don’t know the significance now, but they will one day.

I didn’t come from much. I’ve worked hard to get here & have been blessed with people along the way who have helped in my real estate career. I am not self made. I also have my wife & family who believe in me & support my crazy ideas. 😂

My plans now? I’ve got plans to generate income with this car. So while it is a toy, it’s also an investment. I hope it’s also an encouragement to others that you can do whatever you put your mind to. The only limitations are you & your mind. You were built for this.

Let’s get it!


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