Goal Setting Tips: How to Plan Your 2018 to Be the Best Year Ever 🎉

Описание к видео Goal Setting Tips: How to Plan Your 2018 to Be the Best Year Ever 🎉

A complete guide to goal setting in 2018. I'm going to show you EXACTLY how to accomplish your goals this year.

As I've built Sumo and AppSumo — and helped other companies grow — I've realized the importance of goals.

Lots of people think setting a goal or a New Year's Resolution is a waste of time.

Wrong, wrong, wrong.

A lot of people set goals incorrectly... which makes most goals useless.

There's a BETTER way to set goals.

Over the years, I've tried tons of different goal setting methods — and I've found the ones which really work for entrepreneurs.

Setting goals is how I make sure I'm focused on the RIGHT things for my business.

Plus, goals can help in your personal life too. I separate my goals into three major buckets:

1) Work
2) Workout / Health
3) Personal

In this video, you'll learn my 3-step process for setting amazing goals you accomplish in 2018. Check out the video, and subscribe for more.


KingSumo: http://kingsumo.com/apps/giveaways/

My 2018 goals template: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1J...

Briefcase HQ review:    • Business Tools: How AppSumo Briefcase...  

More resources:

my podcast with world-class experts:

grow your email list and get more customers:

discounted products to help you work better:

exclusive marketing tips on my personal blog:

behind-the-scenes pictures on Instagram:
  / noahkagan  

my favorite tips to grow your biz on Twitter:
  / noahkagan  


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